Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview ChChaaiirrmmanan’’ss s statattememenentt From our Dept. Heads INTRODUCTION Chairman’s statement operations by 2030 and are developing a People and community focus decarbonisation roadmap to achieve net Having a healthy and empowered zero by 2050. Our progress on climate workforce is critical to address the leadership was underscored by receiving a challenges we face, and to ensure our score of A- by CDP. future sustainability and success. We It is imperative that we prioritise carbon have continued to uphold our promise reduction where it matters most. Swire of creating an inclusive, respectful, Coca-Cola and Swire Properties account and supportive working environment. for more than 80% of our Group’s scope That’s why this year we built on our 1 and 2 emissions. Both companies have past commitments to promote gender set 1.5°C-aligned science based targets. equality by introducing a near-term target Technology is integral to our companies’ to achieve 30% of women on the Swire decarbonisation plans. This year, Swire Paci昀椀c Board of Directors by 2024. At the Coca-Cola achieved a 5% annual increase time of writing, we have increased female Guy Bradley in the proportion of renewable energy representation on the Board from 14% in used for its Chinese Mainland facilities. At 2021 to 28%. year end, Swire Properties had achieved Dear Stakeholders, a 28% scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction I am proud that our e昀昀orts have been Sustainability issues faced by the world compared to its 2019 baseline. With externally recognised. For the second have become more challenging over the the support of the Group’s Sustainable consecutive year Swire Paci昀椀c has been years. Through the Group sustainability Development Innovation Fund, it has included on the Bloomberg Gender Equality strategy, SwireTHRIVE, we continued to rolled out a Cloud-Based Smart Energy Index. It is testament to the culture at Swire that our company and Swire Properties are accelerate our sustainability e昀昀orts in Platform and arti昀椀cial intelligence 2022, even though the ongoing impacts system, across its portfolio, to model two of only 昀椀ve Hong Kong listed companies of the COVID-19 pandemic meant it was cooling demand that will facilitate further to be represented on the Index, a third another challenging year. This ongoing reductions. being our associate, Cathay Paci昀椀c. commitment to sustainability re昀氀ects our Innovation will be a key tool in our low The positive impact we have extends long-term approach to business. beyond climate action and workforce carbon transition. In 2023, we will pilot an empowerment. Through the Swire I am pleased to present the Swire Paci昀椀c internal carbon pricing (ICP) mechanism 2022 Sustainable Development Report, with our three largest operating Charitable Trust we continue to 昀椀nd ways which summarises our performance on companies, Swire Properties, Swire Coca- to support our local communities. In key topics and details how we are further Cola, and HAECO. The use of our ICP will 2022, the Trust disbursed HK$55 million, integrating climate-action, people-centric with over HK$15 million going to projects provide additional funding for signi昀椀cant approaches into how we do business. decarbonisation projects and help to supporting COVID-19 relief e昀昀orts in Hong further embed the cost of carbon into our Kong. This is in addition to the HK$76 business planning. We will also continue to million contributed by our operating Climate leadership evidence our commitment to sustainability companies to programmes local to them. through pursuing sustainable 昀椀nance Last November’s Climate Change Conference - COP 27, highlighted the opportunities. In 2022, sustainable 昀椀nance Looking ahead need for urgent action to meet the represented more than 35% of our total The actions we take now will determine the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. The 昀椀nancing. business community has a critical role to future we all will share. Across the pillars of As part of our journey, we will broaden SwireTHRIVE we are developing ambitious play in shaping this low carbon future. our impact to include our value chain. and achievable plans that consider both That is why we remain committed to This year we completed a scope 3 environmental and societal needs. cutting our operational carbon emissions emissions assessment for all our operating in line with climate science. An 11% Challenges remain, but I am optimistic year on year group-wide reduction in companies. The assessment 昀椀ndings will feed into our net zero decarbonisation about the path that lies ahead. I am absolute emissions is driven by our roadmap for 2050 and enable targeted inspired by the progress we are making businesses making solid progress against action going forward. towards our targets; progress that is being their ambitious targets. We remain on delivered by our people across the Group, track to halve emissions from our own and to them I o昀昀er my heartfelt thanks. SSSWIWIWIRRREEE P P PAAACCCIIIFFFICICIC ——— SSSUUUSSSTTTAAAIIINNNAAABLEBLEBLE D D DEEEVVVEEELLLOOOPPPMMMEEENTNTNT R R REEEPPPOOORTRTRT 222000222222 ——— 3 3 3

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