Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water People CCoommmumuninititieses 1 The following projects were active during 2022: Grant Project status Partner approved (as at organisation Project name Project details Core area (HK$) 31 Dec 2022) Arts with the Disabled General Funding Continued support to Arts 7,500,000 On-going Association Hong Kong promote the arts and artistic talent among persons with disabilities, so as to create equal opportunities for them in the arts sector and to foster social integration. Joshua Hellman Art in Your Life I Yoga Provided arts and yoga therapy Arts 1,999,000 Completed Foundation for Orphan in Your Heart sessions to children with rare Disease diseases and special needs to address their physical, social, and emotional needs. Life Education Activity General Funding Continued support for LEAP’s Education 15,000,000 On-going Programme mission to prevent substance abuse by providing health- based education programmes for primary and secondary students. Good Lab Foundation Visioning & Positioning Co-created with Swire, Education 200,000 Completed Limited Workshops for Taikoo stakeholders of Taikoo Primary Primary School’s School, and the adjacent Centenary community, a vision to guide the school’s future positioning in response to future needs in education and the local community of Quarry Bay/Tai Koo. Multiple NGOs Experiential Learning Provide 昀椀nancial resources Education 250,000 On-going Fund for disadvantaged persons to access arts and cultural events in Hong Kong. Multiple Organisations Hong Kong Marine Consultancy in relation Marine 5,000,000 On-going Protection Alliance to Swire Trust’s marine conservation conservation work and assistance in forming a coalition that aims to achieve a public policy and legal framework for the protection of Hong Kong’s marine ecosystem. 1 Projects are categorised by their main area of focus, but many projects support more than one area SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 56

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