Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water People CCoommmumuninititieses Grant Project status Partner approved (as at organisation Project name Project details Core area (HK$) 31 Dec 2022) Education 2,990,000 Completed The Education University Supporting Unit for Continued support to SuSEN of Hong Kong Special Education to enable it to develop into a regional special educational Needs (SuSEN) Phase 2 needs (SEN) knowledge transfer centre. The Incorporated General Funding Continued support to Education 9,000,000 On-going Management Committee strengthen the school’s of Taikoo Primary School English and Mandarin language (Taikoo Primary School) teaching and for special projects. The ADM Capital Hong Kong Sustainable Supported HKSSC’s promotion Marine 2,250,000 Completed Foundation Limited Seafood Coalition of responsible seafood conservation sourcing in Hong Kong. (HKSSC) The Hong Kong Bird Waterbird Census and Supported to help conserve Marine 2,159,000 Completed Watching Society Wetland Conservation intertidal wetlands in the conservation in China - Innovative Chinese mainland through waterbird research a bird census and public and public awareness education. Original project outreach extended to include a Satellite tracking project aimed at understanding more about on migratory birds, their habitats, wintering grounds, or stopovers. The data collected will help formulate regional conservation strategies. World Wide Fund For Sea For Future II This project aimed to set Marine 2,998,802 Completed Nature Hong Kong conservation targets to conservation conserve our marine habitats and sustain the momentum to expand the marine protected area (MPAs) network in Hong Kong through engaging local experts and communities. Act Plus Education Ani Ed - Young Foster the upward mobility Education 5,300,000 On-going Foundation Animator for Underprivileged Youth in Development Hong Kong through tailored Animator Development Programmes to empower underprivileged youths to become future assets in Digital Creative Industry. Bloom Association Hong 114˚E Hong Kong Reef Support underwater surveys Marine 2,415,300 On-going Kong Limited Fish Survey 2.0 of reef 昀椀sh in Hong Kong conservation waters and promoting long- term monitoring of marine protected areas (MPAs). SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 57