Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Performance data External initiatives, charters and memberships GRI and HKEX content index GGlloossssaarryy S T Water consumption SBTi Task Force on Financial The volume of water that is used in Science Based Targets initiative. Disclosures or TCFD products, in the production of crops, A collaboration between Carbon An organisation which develops voluntary, or has been consumed by humans or livestock, and is therefore not released Disclosure Project, the United Nations consistent climate-related 昀椀nancial risk back to the environment or a third-party. Global Compact, World Resources disclosures for use by organisations. Institute, and World Wildlife Fund which TCCC Water replenishment encourages organisations to set science- Swire Coca-Cola works with TCCC based targets. The Coca-Cola Company Limited. to replenish its water use through Science-based target or SBT Team Leader partnership projects that help conserve, A target to reduce GHG emissions that is First-line supervisors and junior managers clean, store or make accessible an in line with the level of decarbonisation leading teams of Individual Contributors equivalent amount of water for nature required to keep the global temperature See also Employee category, Individual and people. TCCC has a target to replenish 100% of its direct water use. increase below 2 degrees Celsius Contributor, Operational Leader, Strategic compared to pre-industrial temperatures. Leader. Water stress Scope 1 emissions Total injuries According to WRI Aqueduct, baseline Direct GHG emissions from sources The number of injuries in a year which water stress measures the ratio of total that are owned or controlled by an result in lost time of a minimum of one water withdrawals to available renewable organisation. scheduled working day. surface and groundwater supplies. Higher values indicate more competition See also Greenhouse gas or GHG, scope 2 Transitional risks among users. emissions, scope 3 emissions. Risks associated with the transition to a lower carbon economy, which may arise Water use ratio or WUR Scope 2 emissions The number of litres of water used to Indirect GHG emissions from consumption from changes in policy, law, technology and markets and which include risks to produce a litre of product. It is calculated by an organisation of purchased reputation. as total water used divided by total electricity, heat and steam. production volume. See also Greenhouse gas or GHG, scope 2 See also Climate-related risk, Physical risks. emissions, scope 3 emissions. Water withdrawal U The sum of all water drawn from surface Scope 3 emissions water, groundwater, or a third party GHG emissions in an organisation’s supply United Nations Sustainable for any use over the course of the chain or generated by its customers. Development Goals or SDGs reporting period. See also Greenhouse gas or GHG, scope 1 A set of 17 goals, adopted by all United World Resources Institute or WRI emissions, scope 2 emissions. Nations Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable A research organisation that focuses on Strategic Leader Development, which aim to provide a challenges that must be addressed to Managers leading functions, multiple shared blueprint for peace and prosperity reduce poverty, increase economic growth functions, departments, regions or small for people and the planet. and protect natural systems. operating companies. See also Employee category, Individual W Contributor, Team Leader, Operational Leader. Waste diversion SwireTHRIVE The proportion of waste generated in our operations that is diverted from Swire Paci昀椀c’s sustainable development strategy, which deals with climate, waste, disposal at land昀椀ll or incineration without energy recovery. water, people and communities. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 115

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