Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Performance data External initiatives, charters and memberships GRI and HKEX content index GGlloossssaarryy G International Civil Aviation O Gender pay gap Organisation or ICAO Operational Leader A United Nations body which manages Measures the di昀昀erence in pay between the administration and governance of the Middle managers leading other managers women and men. It does not measure Convention on International Civil Aviation. within a function, product line or region the di昀昀erence in pay between men and See also Employee category, Individual women for doing the same job, but across Contributor, Team Leader, Strategic Leader. all jobs within a particular category. In L Swire Paci昀椀c, gender pay gap is calculated Leadership in Energy and P as the percentage di昀昀erences in annual Environmental Design or LEED pay between women and men by A green building rating system devised by Physical risks employee categories. the United States Green Building Council. Physical risks include extreme weather, Global Reporting Initiative or GRI changes in rainfall and temperature and Location-based method increases in sea levels. An international standards organisation A way of calculating scope 2 emissions that helps businesses, governments and See also Climate-related risks, Transitional risks. other organisations to understand and that re昀氀ects the average emissions communicate their impact on critical intensity of the grids on which energy consumption occurs, using mostly local, Polyethylene Terephthalate or PET sustainability issues such as climate subnational or national grid-average A type of plastic commonly used for water change, human rights, governance and emission factors. and other drink bottles and for food social wellbeing. containers. Greenhouse gas or GHG Lost Day Rate or LDR A gas that contributes to the greenhouse The number of lost scheduled working R days per 100 employees per year. It is e昀昀ect by absorbing infrared radiation calculated as the total days lost multiplied Representative Concentration See also scope 1 emissions, scope 2 by 200,000 and then divided by total hours Pathways or RCPs emissions, scope 3 emissions. worked. The factor 200,000 is the annual RCPs are prescribed pathways hours worked by 100 employees, based on for greenhouse gas and aerosol H 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year. concentrations (not emissions), together High-density polyethylene (HDPE) Lost Time Injury Rate or LTIR with land use change, that are consistent A type of plastic commonly used as The number of injuries per 100 employees with a set of broad climate outcomes packaging for food, beverages, personal per year. It is calculated as the total used by the climate modelling community. care products and household products. injuries multiplied by 200,000 and then Four RCPs are used by the IPCC’s 昀椀fth divided by total hours worked. The factor assessment report (RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 HKEX ESG Reporting Guide 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 and 8.5). The Environmental, Social and Governance employees, based on 40 hours per week RCP 2.6 represents hard emissions Reporting Guide in Appendix 27 to for 50 weeks a year. cuts, which are likely to keep warming The Rules Governing the Listing of below 2°C. Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong M RCP 4.5 and 6.0 are intermediate Kong Limited. Market-based method stabilisation scenarios. I A way of calculating scope 2 emissions RCP 8.5 represents a scenario where little e昀昀ort is made to reduce emissions and Individual Contributor that re昀氀ects the emissions from energy curb warming by 2100. This is usually taken that an organisation has speci昀椀cally Entry level and 昀椀rst-line employees with chosen to purchase. Emissions factors are as the worst-case climate scenario. no direct reports. derived from contractual instruments (i.e. Revenue tonne kilometres or RTK See also Employee category, Team Leader, contracts to purchase energy bundled Tra昀케c volume, measured in load tonnes Operational Leader, Strategic Leader. with attributes for the energy generation, or unbundled attribute claims). from the carriage of passengers, excess Intergovernmental Panel on Climate baggage, cargo and mail on each sector Change or IPCC multiplied by the 昀氀ight sector distance. An intergovernmental body of the United Nations that provides scienti昀椀c information relevant to understanding the scienti昀椀c basis of the risk of human- induced climate change and its natural, political, and economic impacts. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 114