Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste WaWatteerr People Communities Replenish water through We use the World Resources Institute’s Swire Properties has done water risk assessments in Hong Kong, the Chinese partnerships (WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas to assess Swire Coca-Cola commits to returning the baseline water stress across our global Mainland and Miami, USA. Availability of a litre of clean water to natural water operating locations. About 22% of the water, operational risks associated with systems for every litre of water used freshwater we use is drawn from sources water use, the e昀케ciency of its buildings, and the risk of higher water tari昀昀s in its beverages. It collaborates with that are classi昀椀ed as high or extremely were assessed. The Coca-Cola Company on community high stress – indicating that demand from and watershed protection projects to local water users is at risk of exceeding replenish water in the Chinese Mainland supply. When considering a 2030 business- and the US. In 2022, the Coca-Cola System as-usual scenario, 40% of our water Looking ahead replenished 293.3 billion litres of water, demand is from highly stressed basins. The Group’s water working group will equivalent to 167% of the water used in Regions with high water stress in 2030 continue to improve the collection and its beverages. Water replenishment data is include locations in the Chinese Mainland monitoring of our water data, develop audited by a third party. (Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu) and the a roadmap for achieving our 2050 water US (Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah). neutrality goal, and explore partnership Swire Coca-Cola made three new Hong Kong will also experience increasing opportunities for water replenishment donations to replenishment programmes water stress. projects in locations where we operate. in 2022: one in Utah, expected to replenish Swire Coca-Cola evaluates site-speci昀椀c about 398 million litres of water per year, water risks, including water quality and two in Arizona, expected to save 2 Proportion of total water million litres of water per year. and availability, for each bottling plant withdrawn in 2022 by level of using The Coca-Cola Company’s Source water stress Vulnerability Assessments (SVAs). Understanding our water risks Following SVAs, plants prepare water Low (<20%) Medium (20%-40%) management plans (WMPs), which are Water availability is highly location High (>40%) updated every 昀椀ve years or as required by dependent. Each watershed may be The Coca-Cola Company. Swire Coca-Cola 16% 62% exposed to di昀昀erent risks depending aims to have SVAs and WMPs externally on its climatic conditions and changing veri昀椀ed by 2025. By the end of 2022, over demand of all water users drawing from 70% of the bottling plants had SVAs and it. Understanding location speci昀椀c water WMPs prepared or reviewed by external risks can inform a more targeted and water experts. strategic approach to water management, allowing focus on sites with the highest risks. 21% Water withdrawn by level of water stress and region Low (<20%) Medium (20%-40%) (thousand cbm) High (>40%) 20% Chinese 61% 42% 43% Mainland USA 19% 12,664 2,419 15% Taiwan 541 100% Hong Kong 1,375 100% * Water withdrawal of Swire Paci昀椀c O昀昀shore and Swire Paci昀椀c head o昀케ce are immaterial so not included SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 43