Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste WaWatteerr People Communities Swire Properties treats and reuses Engage with others to reduce Safely discharge wastewater back pantry wastewater and rainwater for toilet water use to nature 昀氀ushing and irrigation. Several Chinese Going beyond our direct operations, we Pollution a昀昀ects the quality of local water Mainland properties including Taikoo Hui, seek to positively in昀氀uence the behaviour sources, so it is important to ensure that INDIGO, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu, of our suppliers, customers, and other all water we discharge back to nature and HKRI Taikoo Hui have installed water users in our local communities. is safe and, at a minimum, meets local systems to collect and treat wastewater Swire Coca-Cola uses a system to regulatory requirements. and rainwater for toilet 昀氀ushing and plant gather data on water consumption and irrigation. In Hong Kong, rainwater and production volume from its co-packers All of Swire Coca-Cola’s bottling plants greywater recycling systems at One Taikoo meet the wastewater quality standards Place and Two Taikoo Place, together with to improve their reporting e昀케ciency. of The Coca-Cola Company and the World the RO system to recycle process water Co-packers’ performance will be further Health Organisation. Performance is from the cooling tower, total freshwater reviewed to uncover WUR improvement monitored. In the Chinese Mainland, an demand can be reduced by over 48%. opportunities. online monitoring system is used to track HAECO reuses rainwater for toilet Swire Properties encourages tenants wastewater compliance. to adopt guidelines on the use of fresh Where necessary, Swire Coca-Cola bottling 昀氀ushing in Hong Kong. In 2023, with and 昀氀ushing water to support compliance plants and companies in the HAECO the support from the Swire Paci昀椀c the Hong Kong government’s voluntary Sustainable Development Fund, HAECO “Quality Water Supply Scheme for group have onsite wastewater treatment will pilot a new wastewater treatment facilities. HAECO Xiamen uses heavy metal system in the composite maintenance Buildings”. monitoring equipment and detectors to and repair plant in Jinjiang, Fujian, China check e昀툀uents before discharge. to provide high quality water for reuse applications. An evaluation of the pilot programme will determine opportunities for adoption at a wider scale. Taikoo Motors uses an automatic car wash system that recycles up to 40% of the water used in each wash. INDIGO features contemporary architecture, innovative green features and quality public spaces. Case study Swire Properties – Rainwater recycling at INDIGO INDIGO’s existing grey water system In 2022, INDIGO built a sewage water collects high-quality wastewater and recycling system, further improving rainwater to make grey water for toilet its water savings and reducing 昀氀ushing and greenery irrigation. This wastewater discharged into the cutting-edge technology can treat municipal pipework system. When sewage water to reach grey water or operating, the system will have the even pure water standards for use in capacity to save up to 85,000 cubic cooling towers. metres of water per year. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 42