Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste WaWatteerr People Communities Case study Swire Coca-Cola – Signi昀椀cant improvement in water use ratio at Minhang Plant Swire Coca-Cola reduced its water usage rate at its Minhang Plant by 34%. Swire Coca-Cola’s facility at Minhang, functional team was set up to identify A total of RMB 3 million (HK$3.4 Shanghai used to have the highest water saving opportunities, including: million) was invested to implement WUR (2.88) among all its plants in the 1. Improving water disinfection processes these measures, leading to an annual Chinese Mainland. One of its biggest reduction of 167.5 million litres challenges has been controlling the 2. Capturing rinsing water from the can of water use and RMB 1.17 million level of microorganisms in the water production line for reuse (HK$1.31 million) of water costs. The treatment system due to unstable 3. Using recycled water instead of WUR of the Minhang plant has been source water quality and the age of freshwater reduced to 1.91. In 2023, Swire Coca- the water supply network. This meant 4. Redirecting downgraded water from Cola will look for further opportunities increasing the frequency of cleaning beverage production to cooling towers to reduce water use in the plant’s the system. To reduce the freshwater cooling tower and toilets. demand at the plant, a cross- Reduce water use in HAECO dry washes aircraft, using 90% our operations less water and saving more than 860,000 795,510cbm We monitor our water use to identify litres of water per year. Water meters will be installed in the aircraft maintenance water recycled by opportunities to adopt more e昀케cient hangars in Hong Kong to provide insights Swire Coca-Cola in 2022 processes, repair leaks, install water 昀氀ow for water reduction opportunities. regulators and use technologies that use Swire Coca-Cola recycled 795,510 cubic less or no water. Optimisation of lavatory water 昀氀ow at Xiamen is expected to reduce 180 tonnes metres of water in 2022, 14,066 cubic Swire Coca-Cola has installed water of water use per annum. metres less than in 2021. Wastewater sub-meters at all of its bottling plants in from manufacturing is reused for Taikoo Sugar uses a water heat exchange the Chinese Mainland and uses water-free system in syrup production which can cleaning, irrigation, and toilet 昀氀ushing. alternatives such as dry lubricants and Water used in cooling lines and systems ionised air where possible. reduce water consumption by around 3.5 is reused in condensing towers. In the cubic metres per tank compared with an Chinese Mainland, reusing rejected Swire Properties uses water meters, air-cooling system. reverse osmosis (RO) water and backwash water 昀氀ow regulators, automatic taps, water from activated carbon 昀椀lter tanks and automatic 昀氀ush toilets and water- free urinals at various locations. Water Use alternative sources contributed to the signi昀椀cant freshwater sub-metering installation was completed of water use reduction. In 2022, a new system was in its Chinese Mainland portfolio in 2022. installed at Tempe plant in Arizona, USA We use recycled water and rainwater to to recover RO water which can reduce the To further optimise water use practices, reduce our need to draw on freshwater plant’s WUR by 3-5%. Swire Properties continued its partnership supplies. with Tsinghua University to study water use patterns and generate suggestions at di昀昀erent portfolios. Water leakage detection sensors have been installed in Cityplaza mall covering plant rooms and tenancy areas. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 41

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