Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste WaWatteerr People Communities Group performance increase in overall water demand as our Our target currently covers operating In 2022, the Group withdrew 16.9 million business grows. There are trade-o昀昀s. companies, which together make cubic metres of fresh water, a 7% decrease Water-cooled chillers are more energy up 99% of the Group’s total water e昀케cient than air-cooled chillers and footprint. It re昀氀ects our e昀昀orts to from 2021. Almost all (99%) of the water so reduce carbon emissions. They are reduce water use in our operations. we used came from municipal water a central part of our decarbonisation The water in the beverages produced sources. Swire Coca-Cola withdrew the strategy but will increase our water rest from groundwater sources. Swire by Swire Coca-Cola (production volume footprint. Coca-Cola accounts for the majority or water consumption) is excluded (see replenishment initiatives for how we (86%) of the Group’s water use. It tracks address water consumed). the e昀케ciency of its manufacturing process using the water use ratio (WUR) metric (litres of water used per litre of 昀椀nished product produced) and aims to achieve a WUR of 1.45 by 2030. In 2022, Water withdrawal by division Property its overall WUR was 1.75, down 3% from Beverages (thousand cbm) Aviation 1.81 in 2021. Testing and commissioning new production lines in the Chinese Trading & Industrial Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Marine Services increased product variation impacted the 39 water demand. 81 86 311 - 85 324 302 398 300 Swire Properties is the second largest 402 449 417 15,619 385 477 14,592 14,572 1,778 14,586 water user, accounting for almost 10% 13,439 2,011 1,759 1,639 of the Group’s water footprint in 2022. 1,522 Water intensity at Swire Properties decreased by 9.2% and 25.9% in its Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland portfolios respectively, compared to a 2016 business- as-usual base year. At its hotels, water intensity increased by 15.1% compared to 2018/2019 levels. Overall, it used 7.8% less water in 2022 than in 2021. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Water use decreased by 3% at HAECO and decreased by 3% in the Trading & Industrial Division year on year. Progress towards 2030 water target* Swire Properties Swire Coca-Cola (w/o bottling volume) 2030 target HAECO group (excluding HAESL) Trading & Industrial To drive e昀케cient water use in our Frozen E昀케ency Scenario operations, we have set a target to reduce (w/o bottling volume) water use by 30% by 2030, compared to 283 275 2030 target 297 276 385 a 2018 frozen e昀케ciency baseline. To date 347 398 we have achieved an 11% reduction, we 449 417 7,000 6,274 477 6,369 6,577 1,778 1,639 surpassed our 10% target reduction for 5,476 2,011 1,759 9,112 9,622 2022. The baseline assumes our water 1,522 8,691 8,379 8,428 8,659 7,933 8,474 7,960 7,936 use e昀케ciency remains 昀椀xed at 2018 levels but allows us to factor in the projected 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 *Following the review of our report boundary in 2022, the 2018 baseline has been recalculated to exclude Cathay Paci昀椀c Group and HAESL. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 40

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