Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water PPeeoploplee Communities Case study Sexual orientation We pledge to create an inclusive environment where individuals can bring their full selves to work without fear of discrimination or recrimination In the last D&I survey, we found Beyond raising awareness that 9% of respondents identi昀椀ed internally, we also showcased our themselves as part of the LGBT+ commitment to LGBT+ inclusion community. Therefore, we need and support of the LGBT+ to raise awareness of this sizable community externally. For Pride community by educating all our month, a ‘Happy Pride’ message employees on the community’s was displayed on digital screens in challenges and needs. The Trading all malls and o昀케ces under Swire Looking ahead & Industrial Head O昀케ce designed Properties management. Special As we have reached the mid-point in our online training about LGBT+ inclusion pride month deals, a drag evening, for all its employees in both Cantonese and a celebration with music, and 昀椀ve-year D&I Strategic Framework, we and Mandarin. For Pride month, will use the coming year to re昀氀ect on our free-昀氀ow snacks and drinks were the Swire Group celebrated with also organised for customers. D&I journey so far and explore ways to numerous lunch and learn sessions, as Some of the proceeds from the move from awareness and education to well as a movie screening and pride- events were donated to Hong Kong sustainable behavioural change. This will themed cocktail classes to engage our Marriage Equality, an organisation involve more tailored training and support employees. On Pink Friday, a multi- dedicated to advancing and to segmented D&I stakeholder groups industry event that aims to showcase achieving marriage equality in Hong plus assessing our employee experience to build more inclusive practices. visible support for LGBT+ inclusion in Kong. Cathay Paci昀椀c also designed the workplace, Group employees wore a rainbow vapour trail to use as pink and participated in interactive their o昀케cial logo for the duration of booths, games, and more to learn Pride month. This rainbow logo was more about important topics relating featured on various social media to the LGBT+ experience. pages and the o昀케cial website. Case study D&I Survey The Swire Group is dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive and succeed, regardless of their age, gender, gender identity, • 85% of respondents agreed disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation diversity & inclusion strategy is important to the long-term health of We conducted our second D&I Survey • 75% of respondents agreed the company. to gather feedback from all Swire the company has created an The demographic of respondents are Group employees based in Hong environment where people of as follows: Kong. It was entirely voluntary and diverse backgrounds can succeed. anonymous to participate. • 76% of respondents agreed the • Around 81% of respondents self- senior leadership publicly supports identi昀椀ed as Chinese while 4% There was a total of 12 questions and and promotes diversity initiatives. self-identi昀椀ed as White, about 7% an overall average response rate of as other Asian, and 2% as Others. 14% across the Group. Overall, our • 68% of respondents agreed policies Approximately 6% preferred not average score for inclusion increased and procedures are fairly enforced to answer. by 7% compared to last year. throughout the company. • Around 9% identi昀椀ed as LGBT+. 2 • 81% of respondents agreed the : Key 昀椀ndings • 2% of respondents self-identi昀椀ed as company has promoted inclusion having a disability. • 77% of respondents agreed the through its internal communications company values and respects a and/or events. The information gathered will be variety of ideas, perspectives and used as a reference for further action working styles. planning as we look to cultivate an even more inclusive workplace. 2. Figures presented are aggregated averages. Responses varied across the group. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 49