Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water PPeeoploplee Communities Health and safety Achieving zero harm depends on a strong managing risks, and provides specialist safety culture in which employees are oversight and support to our divisions. We never compromise on safety. In responsible for the safety of others and Every division submits a quarterly health and our operations, our 昀椀rst priority is to themselves. We aim to identify and manage safety report and sets annual safety targets. safeguard the health and safety of our potential hazards by conducting regular With a view to continuous improvement employees, contractors, suppliers and safety audits and reporting all incidents, in safety performance, every division also customers, the visitors to our business including those considered to be minor so sets safety targets for a 10 year period premises and the communities in which that we can share and learn from them. We and these targets are updated annually. At we operate. also encourage reporting of near misses so every Group Risk Management Committee We take our health and safety that potential hazards can be identi昀椀ed and mitigated. (GRMC) and Board meeting, there is an responsibilities very seriously. We apply update on health and safety performance. robust risk management controls, create Our 昀椀rst line health and safety committee is A separate China health and safety working a strong safety culture, and encourage responsible for developing group health and group deals with health and safety in the transparent and timely reporting of safety policies and guidelines, monitoring Chinese Mainland, where regulations incidents so that we can investigate their divisional performance, promoting frequently change and vary between root causes and implement preventative education and training, sharing lessons provinces. measures. Our ultimate goal is zero harm. learned, best practices, and developing Safety leadership is key to a strong safety internal health and safety capabilities. culture. Adequate knowledge and skills Our approach A second line risk forum focussed on are required to manage health and safety human resources, health, and safety e昀昀ectively. Senior management receive The group, and each of its subsidiaries, has operates under the Group’s risk governance industry speci昀椀c and general health and an occupational health and safety policy structure. It advises the GRMC on related safety training in accordance with our senior that is monitored by our internal audit emerging risks which may a昀昀ect the Group, management health and safety policy. department. We focus on the following helps to analyse health and safety-related key areas: risk events, develops best practices for Explore more ESG risk management SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 50