Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Governance Supply chain Talent management CCuuststoomemerrss Biodiversity OTHER ESG DISCLOSURES Customers We are committed to providing high Employees are required to follow internal increasingly important. Swire Coca-Cola quality products and services and to giving guidelines covering the collection, aims to address this by: customers clear and complete information processing, transfer, retention, and • Gradually reducing the amount of sugar so that they can make informed choices. disposal of customers’ personal data. in its beverages portfolio, with a target We advertise responsibly. We protect Data protection obligations are included to reduce the average sugar content in personal data in line with applicable in contracts with third-party data regulations. Feedback helps us processors. 100mL of beverages by 20% by 2025 understand customer needs and improve • O昀昀ering smaller serving sizes to make our services. During 2022, there were no convictions for controlling sugar intake easier, with non-compliance with laws and regulations packages containing 250mL or less relating to customer privacy that would available in all its markets Our approach have a signi昀椀cant impact on the Group. • Introducing diet, light, and zero- At the Group level we build customer The approach of our major businesses calorie drinks, reformulating recipes protection into our policies. Our Health to material customer issues is and 昀椀nding alternatives to sugar and Safety Policy sets out our goal of zero described below. which reduce sugar content without harm to customers, with each company compromising taste under our management control applying Swire Coca-Cola • With TCCC, exploring ways to make this policy in a way which is relevant to its beverages more nutritious by adding business. Consumers are increasingly conscious vitamins, minerals, electrolytes or of health and nutrition when deciding dietary 昀椀bre The Swire Paci昀椀c Personal Data Policy what to eat and drink. Eating less sugar is requires Group companies to comply with applicable legal requirements relating to the handling of personal data (including its collection, holding, processing, Other material issues Our approach disclosure, and use) and to respect the Responsible marketing In line with TCCC’s Responsible Marketing Policy, Swire privacy of others and the con昀椀dentiality Coca-Cola will not advertise our products in media of information received in the course of (television, print, websites, social media, movies or SMS/ business. email marketing) targeting children under the age of 13. We Where relevant, our subsidiaries have do not advertise our products in primary schools. dedicated governance to oversee Food safety Swire Coca-Cola regularly audits hygiene and delivery implementation and e昀케cacy of data procedures to ensure compliance with its food safety protection policies. Our Group Personal standards. All Swire Coca-Cola plants have FSSC22000 Food Data Policy and Guidelines require our Safety Certi昀椀cation. operating companies to appoint a Data Clear labelling Swire Coca-Cola includes caloric information on the front of Protection O昀케cer, carry out Privacy Impact Assessments, establish a Data its packaging. Nutritional information provided is factual and Privacy Policy and only collect personal easy-to-understand, and fully compliant with regulations. data upon consent of the customer. Our operating companies have cyber incident response plans. Further information is available in the Risk management section of this report and the Swire Paci昀椀c Annual Report 2022. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 83