Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Governance Supply chain TTaalleentnt m maannagageemementnt Customers Biodiversity Our goal is to enable our employees activities, classes for interest groups and Building a pipeline of future to 昀氀ourish, encouraging them to take community services for our employees. leaders pride in our culture and to give them an Subsidiaries also organise their own Our in-house leadership development experience which inspires them to do their employee wellness and engagement company, Ethos International, designs best for our businesses. and delivers learning and development activities (see People and Communities • Induction sessions for new Swire Paci昀椀c sections). HAECO Hong Kong’s GoHAECO programmes for our management sta昀昀. Managers with high potential attend sta昀昀 cover our organisational structure, app facilitates sharing, entertainment, history, principal operations, Code of learning and rewards. Over 2,000 business management and executive Conduct, sustainable development employees have used the app. Swire programmes at INSEAD and Stanford University. Ethos International’s training (including SwireTHRIVE), intranet and Paci昀椀c (head o昀케ce), and Taikoo Motors programmes emphasise sustainability and sta昀昀 association. regularly feature sta昀昀 stories in internal • We do our best to ensure that newsletters. aim to develop a strong corporate culture employees receive regular, objective, and leadership style that is consistent with fair and open assessments of their our values. performance and are rewarded Explore more Every year, we recruit high-calibre accordingly. Depending on the individuals with a view to developing operating company and job duties People them into future leaders within the Group. of the individual, between 63-100% Communities Through three structured programmes, of employees at Swire Paci昀椀c (head which focus on management, 昀椀nance o昀케ce), Swire Properties, Swire Coca- and human resources, we provide them Cola Limited, HAECO and our Trading Training and development with coaching, mentoring and various & Industrial Division receive individual development initiatives. Sustainable performance reviews. We develop our people by on-the-job development and the business • Employees who have received notice learning, mentoring, coaching, classroom opportunities it creates is covered in of termination of their employment training and online learning. In 2022, the their training. can access professional counselling average number of hours of training per through our personal assistance and employee was 38 hours, a 10% increase outplacement service for six months from the previous year. Overall, 57% after termination. The service is of male sta昀昀 and 52% of female sta昀昀 Further reading designed to help them search for new received training in 2022. On average, jobs and to adjust to their change of we spent over HK$590 per employee, Sustainable development reports circumstances. compared with around HK$1,700 in 2021. of our operating companies This does not include informal and on-the- job learning, where much of our employee Swire programmes training happens. Engaging with sta昀昀 We believe in open and timely Operating companies have their own communication with our employees on apprenticeship, traineeship and internship matters a昀昀ecting them. We communicate programmes. with our people through our intranet, Please see the sustainable development social media, newsletters, surveys, reports of our operating companies for informal gatherings and sta昀昀 forums. By more information. doing so, we tell people what is happening in the Group. We do our best to build constructive and productive relations with employee representatives. In 2022, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd., Swire Properties, Swire Coca-Cola, HAECO group, Swire Resources, Taikoo Motors, Qinyuan Bakery and Taikoo Sugar conducted dedicated employee engagement surveys. Engagement levels were mostly above 75%. In 2022, Swire Paci昀椀c organised a total of 8 Leadership Forums and Town Halls connecting our employees with internal and external leaders. The Swire Hong Kong Sta昀昀 Association organises and sponsors sports and recreational SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 82

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