Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices OvOveerrvivieeww Our approach ESG risk management TCFD Taikoo Sugar packages and sells sugar in Marine Services Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland. (Discontinued operations) Swire Waste Management Limited The Marine Services Division comprised has waste management contracts in investments in Swire Paci昀椀c O昀昀shore and Hong Kong. Hongkong United Dockyards (HUD) group. Swire Paci昀椀c O昀昀shore owned and Swire Paci昀椀c is one of Hong Kong’s largest and oldest employers, where we have operated a 昀氀eet of vessels supporting the over 29,000 employees. In the Chinese o昀昀shore energy industry in every major Mainland, we also have over 35,000 o昀昀shore production and exploration employees. Globally, we employ almost region outside the US. With the disposal 2 Trading & Industrial 80,000 people . of its interest in Swire Paci昀椀c O昀昀shore Swire Resources retails and distributes in April 2022 and the sale of its 50% footwear, apparel and related accessories interest in the HUD group in September in Hong Kong, Macau, and the Chinese Further reading 2021, the Group no longer operates any Mainland. It operated 162 retail outlets at marine services business. Sustainability Swire Paci昀椀c Factsheet performance data is included up until the the end of 2022. point of sale. Taikoo Motors sells passenger cars, Swire Paci昀椀c Annual Report 2022 commercial vehicles, motorcycles, and For further information about our group scooters, almost all of them in Taiwan. structure and 昀椀nancial performance, please refer to the Swire Paci昀椀c Annual Qinyuan Bakery is a leading bakery chain Report 2022. in southwest China, with 437 stores at the end of 2022. Swire Paci昀椀c Group overview 2022 Trading & Property Beverages Aviation Industrial 3 Total revenue (HK$M) 13,788 54,223 13,828 9.321 Recurring pro昀椀t/ (loss) (HK$M) 5,844 2,392 (3,007) 160 4 Tax expense (HK$M) 2,064 802 80 69 5 6,407 34,380 11,884 6,083 Total employees Total scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions (thousand tonnes 196 358 59 27 CO e) 2 6 Total water withdrawal (thousand cbm) 1,639 14,586 385 300 Total waste generated (tonnes) 34,051 25,624 5,340 1,325 2. Includes associate companies not covered by this sustainable development report (e.g. Cathay Paci昀椀c and Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited (HAESL)). 3,4. Revenue and tax expense 昀椀gures are on consolidated basis and exclude those of joint venture and associated companies. 5. Total employees are those at 31st December 2022 and include sta昀昀 of all employment types (permanent full time sta昀昀, permanent part time sta昀昀 and, in the Chinese Mainland, 昀椀xed contract sta昀昀, 昀椀xed term and temporary contract sta昀昀). On the same date, there were 50 employees directly employed by Swire Paci昀椀c (head o昀케ce). Employee 昀椀gures exclude Cathay Paci昀椀c Group and HAESL. 6. Total water withdrawal refers to the sum of water drawn from municipal water and groundwater. Virtually all water withdrawal by the Swire Paci昀椀c Group is from municipal water supplies provided by local water supply authorities. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 7

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