Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview OOuurr appr approaoacchh ESG risk management TCFD OUR BUSINESS Our approach to sustainable development Sustainable development is a strategic ESG policies Transparent and objective for Swire Paci昀椀c. Using natural Our Sustainable Development Policy reliable data resources responsibly, minimising waste and pollution, and investing in our people aims to ensure our companies act in As a growing and diversi昀椀ed business, and communities are fundamental to a manner consistent with the 1987 tracking sustainability performance our ability to create long-term value for Brundtland Commission’s definition and setting targets can be challenging. shareholders. of sustainable development: meeting To address this, we have a reporting the needs of the present without methodology which deals with the To promote sustainability in our compromising the ability of future scope, boundaries, and calculations of businesses and management practices, we generations to meet their own needs. the relevant data. We also have data have a sustainable development strategy Our ESG policies include the five collection protocols for carbon, waste, and water, that standardises our data (SwireTHRIVE) and environmental, social SwireTHRIVE pillars and go beyond calculation methodology, and includes and governance (ESG) policies. them, covering, for example, human rights, biodiversity, and sustainable variance checks and procedures for procurement. dealing with abnormal data. SwireTHRIVE We seek third party assurance on key A Group level strategy facilitates We regularly review our policies relating sustainability performance data points. best practice sharing and consistent to sustainability. Where we identify We are also working with a third party to implementation of sustainability. It policy gaps, we create new policies to validate the robustness of additional data also allows us to better communicate guide the Group’s approach. Policies with a view to expanding the scope of our the impact we are having as a group. are developed at the working group assured data in future reporting cycles. level, before review by the Swire Group SwireTHRIVE addresses 昀椀ve areas and is supported by policies and targets. All Environmental Committee (SGEC) and operating companies are expected to the Group Risk Management Committee Explore more (GRMC), and approval by senior make progress in the 昀椀ve areas. management. Performance data In 2022, we updated our Company Climate Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct, and launched a new Anti- Waste Bribery and Corruption Policies and a Data Retention and Disposal Policy. Water All policies related to sustainable People development can be downloaded from our corporate website. Communities Further reading Sustainable development policies Reporting Methodology Independent Assurance Report SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 8