Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Performance data External initiatives, charters and memberships GGRRI aI annd Hd HKKEEX cX coonntteennt it innddeexx Glossary GRI Standards and HKEX GRI Standards GRI Ref. Description HKEX ESG Description Report Section Remarks Topic Speci昀椀c Guide Ref. Standard HKEX Mandatory Disclosure Requirements N/A N/A N/A Governance A statement from the board Our business – Structure containing the following Our approach to sustainable elements: development (i) a disclosure of the board’s oversight of ESG issues; (ii) the board’s ESG management approach and strategy, including the process used to evaluate, prioritise and manage material ESG-related issues (including risks to the issuer’s businesses); and (iii) how the board reviews progress made against ESG- related goals and targets with an explanation of how they relate to the issuer’s businesses. N/A N/A N/A Reporting Materiality About our report Swire Paci昀椀c Reporting Principles – Assessing Methodology 2022 materiality About our report – Stakeholder engagement Quantitative About our report – Overview Consistency Appendices – Performance data N/A N/A N/A Reporting A narrative explaining the About our report – Swire Paci昀椀c Reporting Boundary reporting boundaries of the ESG Overview Methodology 2022 report and describing the process Appendices – used to identify which entities or Performance data operations are included in the ESG report. If there is a change in the scope, the issuer should explain the di昀昀erence and reason for the change. GRI 201: 3-3 Management of General Policies on identi昀椀cation and SwireTHRIVE – Swire Paci昀椀c Annual Economic material topic Disclosure A4 mitigation of signi昀椀cant climate- Climate Report 2022 – Financial Performance related issues which have Our business - TCFD Review 2016 impacted, and those which may impact, the issuer. 201-1 Direct economic KPI B8.2 Resources contributed (e.g. SwireTHRIVE – value generated money or time) to the focus area. Communities and distributed 201-2 Financial KPI A4.1 Description of the signi昀椀cant Our business - TCFD implications and climate-related issues which have other risks and impacted, and those which may opportunities due impact, the issuer, and the actions to climate change taken to manage them. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 104

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