Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Performance data External initiatives, charters and memberships GGRRI aI annd Hd HKKEEX cX coonntteennt it innddeexx Glossary GRI Standards GRI Ref. Description HKEX ESG Description Report Section Remarks Topic Speci昀椀c Guide Ref. Standard Social GRI 401: 3-3 Management of General Information on the policies and Other ESG It is not considered Employment material topic Disclosure B1 compliance with relevant laws and disclosures – Talent that any individual laws 2016 regulations that have a signi昀椀cant management or regulations have a impact on the issuer relating to signi昀椀cant impact on the SwireTHRIVE – compensation and dismissal, People Swire Paci昀椀c Group. recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti- discrimination, and other bene昀椀ts and welfare. 401-1 New employee KPI B1.2 Employee turnover rate by gender, Appendices – hires and age group and geographical Performance data employee region. turnover GRI 403: 3-3 Management of General Information on the policies and SwireTHRIVE – It is not considered Occupational material topic Disclosure B2 compliance with relevant laws and People that any individual laws Health and regulations that have a signi昀椀cant or regulations have a Safety 2018 impact on the issuer relating signi昀椀cant impact on the to providing a safe working Swire Paci昀椀c Group. environment and protecting employees from occupational hazards. 403-9 Work-related KPI B2.1 Number and rate of work-related Appendices – Swire Paci昀椀c only injuries fatalities occurred in each of the Performance data reports on the lost day past three years including the rate, lost time injury SwireTHRIVE – reporting year. People rate and fatalities of our KPI B2.2 Lost days due to work injury. employees. We do not disclose occupational KPI B2.3 Description of occupational health health & safety data by and safety measures adopted, gender and region. how they are implemented and monitored. 3-3 Management of General Policies on improving employees’ Other ESG GRI 404: Training and material topic Disclosure B3 knowledge and skills for disclosures – Talent discharging duties at work. management Education 2016 Description of training activities. 404-1 Average hours of KPI B3.1 The percentage of employees Appendices – training per year trained by gender and employee Performance data per employee category. KPI B3.2 The average training hours Appendices – completed per employee by Performance data gender and employee category. Other ESG disclosures – Talent management SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 109

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