WELLBEING INDICATOR 2 Place Satisfaction Place satisfaction can be an indicator of wellbeing, drawing a correlation between how, if people spend time in a place that they enjoy, their perceived satisfaction and happiness can potentially be improved. PUBLIC SPACE SATISFACTION Public space satisfaction Evaluation factors : 48.31% Rational layout, underground space, atrium, entrance square, roof 41.99% garden, public seating, toilet, overall atmosphere 90% of respondents were satis昀椀ed or very satis昀椀ed with 9.27% the space design of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. 0.42% 0% General VISUAL SPACE SATISFACTION Visual space satisfaction Evaluation factors : 64.29% Architectural design, overall environmental quality, building color, ground pavement, landscaping 35.71% All experts were satis昀椀ed or very satis昀椀ed with the visual 0% 0% 0% space of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. General MANAGEMENT SATISFACTION Management satisfaction Evaluation factors : Cleanliness, crowd control, security measures, facilities 54.01% maintenance, waste management, wireless Internet connection 23.26% 20.93% 77% of shopping mall employees are satis昀椀ed or very 1.03% 0.78% satis昀椀ed with the management and operation of Taikoo General Hui Guangzhou. Swire Properties 35

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 37 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 36 Page 38