WELLBEING INDICATOR 1 Safety Index Safety and security in urban environments are directly Space syntax analysis and related to the quality of public spaces and their attractiveness detailed 昀椀eld investigation provide a more scienti昀椀c to people for their daily activities. evaluation of road safety. “Street eyes” – the combination of people keeping an eye out for each other, along with cameras to survey areas – can be an e昀昀ective way to reduce street crime. The street is the most important public space for people and the most vital “organ” in high the city. The sight of each other on the high street is therefore an important factor of higher street safety. general lower Through space syntax analysis, the low low no data visibility of each street can be analysed. Visible level analysis Kernel density analysis of surveillance cameras At the same time, combined with detailed 昀椀eld investigation, the distribution and density of surveillance cameras can be further superimposed for the analysis and evaluation of street safety. According to the analysis, the overall safety of the streets around Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is high, and the overall walking environment and safety can be improved to further enhance the satisfaction of residents and visitors. Traffic higher monitoring general Public security lower monitoring no data Distribution of street surveillance cameras Road safety analysis results 34 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou

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