KEY IMPACTS The ways to make Taikoo Hui Guangzhou a safe and healthy place include: • Taikoo Hui Guangzhou has created pedestrian walkways that • The scale of the street is pedestrian-friendly and actively support the “eyes-on-the-street” phenomenon, providing the draws visitors to spend time there. area with the highest safety score; • High-quality design is consistent throughout the complex, supporting accessibility for all visitors; Wellbeing Wellbeing re昀氀ects how people use physical spaces and how social interactions occur between people and places to satisfy social needs and to promote wellness. This section explores the following three questions: How satis昀椀ed is the community with Taikoo Hui Guangzhou? What features help visitors feel comfortable and welcome at Taikoo Hui Guangzhou? How does Taikoo Hui Guangzhou create a safe environment for the community? Swire Properties 33

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 35 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 34 Page 36