VIBRANCY INDICATOR 4 Online & Offline “Heat” Social media data collected A popular place can stimulate vibrancy, and the online community by “Xinbang has formed by social media becomes a platform for visitors to express numbers” is used for and communicate their thoughts. Online & o昀툀ine “heat” is the tra昀케c and content combined popularity and interest in a place that brings analysis. great vibrancy. FOOTFALL Annual footfall of Taikoo Hui Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Shopping Mall saw a steady rise in popularity from its opening in 30000000 2011 to 2020. After experiencing a decline in 25000000 visitor 昀氀ow caused by the COVID-19 pandemic 20000000 in 2020, 昀氀ow began to rebound in 2021. 15000000 10000000 5000000 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Annual footfall changes of Taikoo Hui Online publicity content that draws people to SOCIAL MEDIA DATA Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s wide variety of Food exploration 70.20% activities have brought abundant online Food exploration Cre ative exhibitio n 63.13% content and formed a highly-popular online Creative exhibition Shopping media community. Half of the visitors said Shopping 38.89% Celebrities activity they had browsed Taikoo Hui Guangzhou- Celebrities activity 23.23% related content on social media and the Science and education Science an d ed ucation 20.20% browsing channels were mainly WeChat public Beauty salons accounts, Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok. Beauty salons 11.11% Online publicity contentthat draw people to Taikoo Hui 22 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou

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