Fan pro昀椀le of Xiaohongshu GENDER: HASHTAGS: AGE: CONTENT: #Knowledge 1.7% >44 3% 3% Out昀椀t 35-44 Makeup 6.67% #Travel 1.52% <18 8% Travel Male 18-24 14% #Fashion 1.14% 54% Accessories 93.33% 18%13% Food Female 25-34 26% 17% #Food 1.14% 39% Childcare Others The peak of likes on Tik Tok videos for four commercial complexes (2022/3/11-6/8) Quantity 2w Taikoo hui Guangzhou 1.6w Project A 1.2w Project B 0.8w Project C 0.4w Date 3.11 4.11 4.13 5.1 5.15 5.20 5.21 6.8 Comparison of social media data of three commercial complexes (2022/3/11-6/8) SOCIAL MEDIA DATA ANALYSIS The majority of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s audience in Xiaohongshu are women, aged 18-44, and the posts are mostly related to clothing, travel, fashion, food, etc. From March to June, the most popular Tik Tok video themes for the business complex were festival activities, fashion and the COVID-19 pandemic. And among the top four Tik Tok videos, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou accounted for half. In addition, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou has better data performance in terms of WeChat Reading, public ratings, Tik Tok fans, Likes, the number of saves and so on. For future online activities, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou will continue to publish attractive content and increase promotion e昀昀orts to enhance visibility. Swire Properties 23

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 25 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 24 Page 26