VIBRANCY LIVELIHOOD Density of public transport facilities – The degree of public transport Density – The density of crowd gathering can re昀氀ect the strength of connectivity refers to the di昀케culty of reaching Taikoo Hui Guangzhou from economic behavior to a certain extent. Baidu Heat Map shows the density other places, and the density of surrounding public transport facilities can through the location information carried by smartphone users, with di昀昀erent express this indicator, that is, the density of subway entrances and exits colours and brightness re昀氀ecting the spatial di昀昀erences in foot tra昀케c. within a 10-minute (500m) walk of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou, and the density Visitors – The visitor data used in this report was collected from visitor of bus stops within a 5-minute (300m) walk. The results are expressed as satisfaction surveys and the sample size was 411. the number of stops/block area. The higher the density of public transport facilities, the higher the degree of public transport connectivity. Nearby residents – Data from nearby residents at Linhe Street was Density of pedestrian network – The density of pedestrian paths can collected from 147 completed surveys. re昀氀ect whether the block is suitable for walking. The higher the density Commercial employees – Data from commercial employees was collected of pedestrian paths, the higher the walkability of the block.Expressed as from 395 completed surveys. pedestrian length/block area (m/ha). Business employees – Data from business employees was collected from Development intensity – Development intensity is an analysis of 昀氀oor 682 completed surveys. area ratio, which is calculated by dividing the total 昀氀oor area by planned construction land area. This indicator evaluated the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou investment and the other comparable commercial complexes in Guangzhou. Visitor behaviour – Through questionnaires and surveys, the space where visitors often stay was studied. Connectivity – This refers to the convenience of connection between the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou underground space and public transportation, the connection between commercial inner street and urban street, and the connection between the rooftop garden walking system and urban street. Barrier-free walking system – The barrier-free connections at Taikoo Hui Guangzhou include barrier-free connections with public transportation and the surrounding streets and accessible interior space. Heat – Heat symbolises the vitality of the community, including the popularity of o昀툀ine tra昀케c and the online popularity formed by social media. Swire Properties 53

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 55 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 54 Page 56