WELLBEING RESILIENCE Management Satisfaction – The satisfaction survey used a scale of 1 to 5 (1 Historical sales – This indicator is derived from 昀椀nancial data on commercial being very dissatis昀椀ed and 5 being very satis昀椀ed) to evaluate the following retail sales at Taikoo Hui Guangzhou for the calendar years 2011 to 2021. six aspects of site management: cleanliness, order management, security Economic recovery during the pandemic – This metric is derived from measures, outdoor facilities maintenance, waste management and wireless hotel occupancy data from 2013 to 2021 for the Mandarin Oriental, Internet access. The overall site management satisfaction score for Taikoo Guangzhou and from Xiaohongshu postings within 60 days of the “5.21” Hui Guangzhou is the average score of these six aspects. outbreak in Guangzhou. Visual Satisfaction – The satisfaction survey used a scale of 1 to 5 (1 means Enterprise risk management – Under the risk management framework, the very dissatis昀椀ed, 5 means very satis昀椀ed) to evaluate the following aspects: Swire Properties Board and management are responsible for determining overall environmental quality of architectural modelling, architectural colour, 昀氀oor paving and site greening. The visual satisfaction score for Taikoo Hui and analysing potential risks to the achievement of business objectives and Guangzhou is the average score of these 昀椀ve aspects. identifying strategies to manage and mitigate such risks. Spatial Satisfaction – The satisfaction survey used a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being Climate-related 昀椀nancial disclosure – We inform stakeholders and very dissatis昀椀ed, 5 being very satis昀椀ed) to evaluate the following aspects: investors of our management approach and strategy for mitigating, reasonable 昀氀oor plan, underground space, atrium and entrance plaza, roof adapting to and remaining resilient to climate change. We disclose garden, public seating, sanitary construction, and overall atmosphere. The climate-related 昀椀nancial information in four areas: governance, strategy, risk spatial satisfaction score for Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is the average score of management, and metrics and targets. these 昀椀ve aspects. Climate risk assessment – We completed a comprehensive climate risk Public area ratio – The public area ratio refers to the ratio of the public area assessment to identify the key risks to business operations from climate of a 昀氀oor to the total area of the 昀氀oor. change. We selected short and long-term time frames and modelled The public area hollowing rate – The public area hollowing rate refers to emergency and long-term physical risks at the asset level under various the ratio of the total area of the atrium hollowing to the public area of a climate scenarios. certain 昀氀oor. Ventilation – The ventilation study was carried out using a numerical The atrium scale – The atrium scale is the ratio of the maximum width of the simulation method by PHOENICS, based on computational 昀氀uid dynamics atrium plus the width of the public inner street on both sides to the height of and wind speed measurements by using an anemometer in the 昀椀eld. the atrium. This geometric index is expressed as width/height (D/H) value, which is closely related to the visual and psychological feelings of pedestrians in the inner street. ABOUT SWIRE PROPERTIES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Swire Properties develops and manages commercial, retail, hotel, and This report is co-produced by Swire Properties and The School of Architecture, residential properties, with a particular focus on mixed-use developments in South China University of Technology. prime locations at major mass transportation intersections. Swire Properties is listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and its investment portfolio in Hong Kong comprises Taikoo Place, Paci昀椀c Place, Cityplaza, Citygate Outlets. In addition to Hong Kong, the Company has investments in the Chinese Mainland, the United States, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. In the Chinese Mainland, Swire Properties has six completed mixed-use developments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. INDIGO II in Beijing, Taikoo Li Xi’an and a new retail-led project in Sanya are currently under development. The Company’s completed portfolio in the Chinese Mainland comprises approximately 1.3 million sqm of space. 54 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou

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