In the design of the roof structure, the All air conditioning cooling towers are located skirt building ventilation tube well is on top of the high-rise towers, which reduces set in the interlayer, which avoids the the heat island e昀昀ect and noise in the main space of the roof garden. This buildings. This is also bene昀椀cial in terms of e昀昀ectively reduces the in昀氀uence of ventilating the buildings’ lower spaces and the waste gas and noise, and provides comfort of outdoor activity areas. conditions for the comfortable Section of mezzanine 昀氀oor and roof microclimate environment of the duct of podium rooftop garden. Location of air conditioning cooling tower Rooftop exhaust and noise vent Rooftop garden plan Air-conditioning cooling tower placement MEASURES FOR TYPHOON WEATHER Although the slate 昀氀oor of the rooftop garden is completely 昀氀at, a 3mm gap is reserved between each slate. After rainwater 昀氀ows into the rainwater well in the interlayer, it is quickly drained away in an organised way, which can e昀昀ectively avoid water accumulation on the ground even during a rainstorm. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and telescope are equipped to check glass safety every two hours during a typhoon period; there are rainstorm emergency plans and collborative plans; and a specially-equipped rainwater collection system that can temporarily store rainwater and e昀昀ectively reduce the amount of water discharged to municipal facilities during typhoons and rainstorms. Swire Properties 47

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