What makes Taikoo Hui Guangzhou a great place? The world was a very di昀昀erent place in April 2020 when we Some of the special features which make Taikoo Hui Guangzhou a published our 昀椀rst Places Impact Report on Taikoo Place in Hong great place include: Kong. At the time, a global pandemic was emerging and no one could have predicted the enormous challenges that were to be • The multi-layered design creates a high degree of mixing and faced in the coming few years. In 2021, at the mid-point of the connectivity throughout the whole complex; pandemic, in the midst of COVID control measures and economic • The rooftop garden is a valuable public oasis appealing to a uncertainty, we published our second Places Impact Report, diverse range of shoppers, o昀케ce workers, visitors and the focused on Taikoo Li Sanlitun in Beijing. In March 2023, as the local community; borders have 昀椀nally reopened to signal the end of the pandemic restrcitions, we have decided to publish our third Places Impact • The complex is accessible during “non-business” hours, Report, featuring Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. providing convenience for a diverse group of people other The extraordinary events of the past three years have provided than shoppers; further evidence that what makes a great place, now more than • The 昀椀rst store “harvester” strategy, which brings many ever, are human connections. new international brands to Guangzhou, in combination From our previous analysis, we determined that those connections with ongoing cultural programmes, makes it an attractive need to be shaped by well-designed, human-centric physical destination; spaces (placemaking), in combination with consistently well- • International brands perceive Taikoo Hui as the preferred managed engagement programmes and events to activate the location to enter the Guangzhou market, resulting in a longer, space (placekeeping). win-win collaboration; While this remains true, we have observed an important change. A • An integrated o昀툀ine and online community has been great place is a vibrant, multi-dimensional ecosystem. It integrates established, resulting in high “heat” and continual interest with the city and the surrounding community. The physical space in the development. is very important as it brings people together and creates the vibrancy that is necessary for human connection. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of making and maintaining human connections in the online environment.A great place, therefore, requires a well-designed physical infrastructure in combination with diverse and dynamic, people-orientated programmes to enjoy both online and o昀툀ine. 48 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou