OUR RESEARCH OF TAIKOO HUI GUANGZHOU REVEALS A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN THE AREA OVER THE PAST DECADE YEARS. SPECIFIC EVIDENCE OF PLACE IMPACT INCLUDES: Since the opening of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou, the number of points of interest in the surrounding area has increased signi昀椀cantly. The increase in pedestrian 1 footfall has promoted an shift in urban gravity and commercial activity eastward along Guangzhou’s Tianhe Road. This has provided positive momentum to develop and expand the Tianhe Road Commercial Zone. Taikoo Hui Guangzhou has attracted international and domestic brands to open new stores in Guangzhou. Since opening, the mall has introduced 209 “昀椀rst stores”, thereby acceleration the evolution of the city’s commercial landscape. 2 This, in combination with a steady stream of contemporary cultural exhibitions and events in public spaces, has contributed to the introduction of new ideas and development of innovative trends in the community. Evidence of social and economic resilience has been observed over the past decade, especially during the COVID-19 period. At the tail end of the pandemic, 3 footfall during the 2023 Spring Festival holiday saw a 22% increase compared with the same period last year, an 11% increase compared to same period in 2019 pre-pandemic. Swire Properties 49

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