ܼᇜ ฿ފุტᇏྏ Tianhe Sport Center ฿ފ ฿ފุტᇏྏ ุტܶ Tianhe ႳႣܶ Gymnasium Natatorium ฿ފКਫ਼ oad Tianhe North R Guangzhou A ܼᇜն֡ᇏ ุტ༆ਫ਼ ุტתਫ਼ Tianhe E ฿ފתਫ਼ ushan RW ໴೶ਫ਼ TIYU E as ਟބࢧ֡ oad v TIYU W t R enue Middle Linhe Str ee oad t as es t R t R oad oad ฿ފਫ਼ ܼᇜ෾ܞ߸ െஇתਫ਼ T aik Tianhe R oo Hui oad Guangzhou Shipai E ฿ފଲؽਫ਼ as Tianhe South 2nd R t R oad oad ฿ފӬ ฿ߌܼӆ ߛ௱ն֡༆Huangpu A v enue W es TEE MALL ParcCentral t ᆞࡄܼᇜ Grandview Mall ຣਫ߸ OneLink Walk Swire Properties 7

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 9 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 8 Page 10