A Places Impact Framework Swire Properties’ “Places Impact Framework” Investment Level takes our Sustainable Development (SD) Refers to the area owned and managed by Swire Properties, 2030 Strategy to the next level by helping us including “hardware” and “software”. to understand and measure the impact of our ongoing investments in SD. Designed to Place Level help us understand impact for di昀昀erent types Refers to the surrounding area, including Taikoo Hui Guangzhou and varying scales of places, the framework and the surrounding community. Provides an analysis of the impact separates the scope of our study into three of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou on the community from economic, social levels: and environmental perspectives. Area Level Broadening our horizons to understand the impact of placemaking on the wider region, such as the Commercial Center of Tianhe District. 6 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou