Measuring the Impact of our Places Places are multi-dimensional and there are many overlapping themes and attributes, some of which are tangible – such as the number of visitors, or established businesses, and availability of open space and public seating – and others that are more intangible, such as the quality of the public realm, or the “buzz” felt in a dynamic social and commercial environment. When we began our formal in-depth places impact analyses in 2020, we referred to leading research and international best practices to develop a “Places Impact Framework”. As measuring any kind of “impact” requires a comparison of one METHODOLOGY situation to another, this report assesses changes over time and uses compared to other commercial complexes. This study applies Swire Properties’ four dimensions of place, namely Vibrancy, Livelihood, Wellbeing and Resilience, to the To conduct this assessment in a credible way, we were fortunate entire study area and identi昀椀es indicators and measurements to work with the South China University of Technology. The that explore the tangible and intangible aspects of how a place team there has expertise in assessing urban environments and is used and experienced. The data and observations obtained measuring spatial impacts and also has a good understanding of for this research were used to develop a wide range of indicators Taikoo Hui Guangzhou and the surrounding area. to measure place impact and the research was strengthened by cooperation among multiple stakeholders. Swire Properties 5