LIVELIHOOD INDICATOR 5 Personas By understanding the background information, basic impression and purpose of space users visiting Taikoo Hui Guangzhou, we can understand the characteristics of di昀昀erent groups of people. Age LOCAL VISITORS According to the data analysis of the questionnaire survey, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou has visitors of all ages – most of whom are between 18 and 29 years old. The main purpose of daily visitors to Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is According to the data analysis of the questionnaire, which to “hang out”, eat, shop for clothes and cosmetics, and shop for sampled 147 nearby residents, satisfaction exceeds 78%. Most fresh daily necessities at supermarkets. It shows that Taikoo Hui of the respondents think that Taikoo Hui Guangzhou has brought Guangzhou meets the daily use needs of these groups and has a positive in昀氀uence, and that Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is a high- become an in昀氀uential part of their daily life. quality public place with shopping, social and cultural facilities for the surrounding area. Purpose of people coming to Taikoo Hui Guangzhou every day The satisfaction of nearby residents with the design of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou and the surrounding environment Participating in Reading events 1% 5% Taking pictures 10% Strolling 5% 19% 22% Business 5%negotiations 12% Meeting with friends 8% Neutral 15% Eating Grocery shopping 19% 16% 44% Clothing & shopping cosmetics 19% 30 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou

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