THE INTER-CITY VISITORS Where intercity visitors originate. Plus other cities in Guangdong Province From the data analysis of 117 intercity visitor questionnaires, it can be seen that the in昀氀uence Shenzhen of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is present throughout the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Other cities Foshan Bay Area, and other cities in China. The largest in China Dongguan Other city in group of visitors, however, are from other cities Guangdong province in Guangdong Province. 61% Zhanjiang Taikoo Hui Guangzhou meets the diverse Other countries Shantou Macao Zhonshan needs of intercity visitors looking to enjoy food, Hong Kong Other cities clothing, beauty and other shopping needs, but also provides them with attractive exhibition activities and other opportunities. COMMERCIAL EMPLOYEE Commercial employee satisfaction with the working environment According to the data analysis of the questionnaire, which sampled 395 employees 52.41% of the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Shopping mall, 24.56% 17.22% nearly half of them have worked at the Mall 3.29% 2.53% for 5-10 years; and nearly 80% of them gave positive comments on the shopping mall’s General Very working environment. BUSINESS EMPLOYEE Business employee satisfaction with the working environment According to the data analysis of the questionnaire, which sampled 682 57.33% employees from the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou 34.16% o昀케ce building, nearly half of them have worked in the building for 5-10 years; and 5.87% 2.64% more than 90% of them gave positive 0% feedback on the building’s working General Very environment . Swire Properties 31

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