VIBRANCY INDICATOR 2 Vitality Successful urban spaces are designed for people, because people are what bring vitality to a place. DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY With a plot ratio (gross 昀氀oor area/total site area) of 2.76, the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Shopping Mall provides visitors with a leisurely and comfortable experience through a rich open atrium space, roof garden and surrounding open streets. 7.37 3.9 3.19 2.76 2.74 Guangzhou Taikoo Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Hui Mall Project A Project B Project C Project D Plot ratio VISITOR BEHAVIOUR The behaviour study for Taikoo Hui Guangzhou shows that the diverse functional choices provide a good leisure space for visitors. For o昀케ce sta昀昀, restaurants, supermarkets and bookstores are the hot spots during their rest periods. The study also found that the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou atrium area is a well- visited “hot spot”. The design of the atrium space and special events held there make it one of the development’s most popular places. Restaurant Restaurants 72.33% Supermarket Supermarkets 60.19% Boo kstore Bookstores 48.30% Cafe Cafes 42.72% Rooftop Garden Rooftop Garden 38.59% Clo thing Clothing and cometics sto res 29.85% and cosmetics stores Most popular places for o昀케ce employee outside working hours Swire Properties 19
The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 20 Page 22