RESILIENCE INDICATOR 1 Social Resilience Social resilience is a key element in creating inclusive communities. A long-term community development strategy ensures that it is integrated and part of the community in which it is located. In this regard, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is committed to supporting the surrounding community through its community investment programmes and philanthropic activities. SOCIAL COHESION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Case in point : “Caring Station” • Travel safety event – Peace of Mind Lunch + Peace of Mind Travel Energy Pack • Event in recognition of health workers for their contributions throughout the pandemic – Beauty Energy Pack + Citizen Appreciation Card Peace of Mind Lunch Peace of Mind Travel Energy Pack Warmth after the pandemic Regarding the satisfaction of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Shopping Mall employees with respect to pandemic control measures, approximately 80% of Mall employees rated their satisfaction with Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s public health measures (especially the control and prevention measures of COVID-19) and its handling mechanism for public emergencies (such as sudden closed-o昀昀 management, nucleic acid testing). Employee satisfaction with Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s public health measures Employee satisfaction with Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s mechanism of public emergencies 53.42% 59.49% 27.85% 23.80% 16.46% 14.68% 1.01% 1.01% 1.27% 1.01% General Very General Very 40 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 42 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 41 Page 43