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SWIRE PROPERTIES ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Sources of Finance Audited Financial Information At 31st December 2023, committed loan facilities and debt securities amounted to HK$54,041 million, of which HK$12,700 million (24%) remained undrawn. In addition, the Group had undrawn uncommitted facilities totalling HK$400 million. Sources of funds at 31st December 2023 comprised: Undrawn Undrawn Expiring Expiring Within After Available Drawn One Year One Year HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M Facilities from third parties Term loans 14,710 14,710 – – Revolving loans 17,741 5,041 – 12,700 Bonds 21,590 21,590 – – Total committed facilities 54,041 41,341 – 12,700 Uncommitted facilities Bank loans and overdrafts 400 – 400 – Total 54,441 41,341 400 12,700 Note: The figures above are stated before unamortised loan fees of HK$172 million. i) Loans and Bonds Audited Financial Information For accounting purposes, loans and bonds are classified as follows: 2023 2022 Drawn, Drawn, Before Before Unamortised Unamortised Carrying Unamortised Unamortised Carrying Loan Fees Loan Fees Value Loan Fees Loan Fees Value HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M Long-term loans and bonds at amortised cost 41,341 (172) 41,169 22,980 (145) 22,835 Less: amount due within one year included under current liabilities 7,569 (6) 7,563 700 – 700 33,772 (166) 33,606 22,280 (145) 22,135 ii) Bank Balances and Short-term Deposits The Group had bank balances and short-term deposits of HK$5,097 million at 31st December 2023, compared to HK$4,502 million at 31st December 2022. 83

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