NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 26. Trade and Other Payables (continued) 2023 2022 HK$M HK$M Trade creditors 1,046 812 Rental deposits from tenants 2,965 2,715 Deposits received on sale of investment properties 269 1 Put option in respect of a non-controlling interest 613 590 Other payables Accrued capital expenditure 1,155 1,283 Amounts due to an intermediate holding company 112 83 Amounts due to a joint venture company – 113 Amounts due to an associated company 13 – Interest-bearing advances from joint venture companies at 4.65% per annum – 256 Advances from a non-controlling interest 1,236 1,173 Others 2,622 2,982 5,138 5,890 10,031 10,008 Amounts due after one year included under non-current liabilities (268) – 9,763 10,008 Amounts due to an intermediate holding company, an associated company, joint venture companies and a non-controlling interest are unsecured and have no fixed term of repayment. Apart from the interest-bearing advances from the joint venture companies, the balances are interest-free. Other payables due after one year under non-current liabilities represents deposits received for the sale of the Group’s interests in the 42nd to 44th floors of the One Island East office tower in Hong Kong during the year. The sale of each of these floors will be completed in accordance with the terms specified in the sale and purchase agreements before the end of 2028. The analysis of the age of trade creditors at the year end is as follows: 2023 2022 HK$M HK$M Up to 3 months 1,046 812 184

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