Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water PPeeoploplee Communities Safety Management Systems (ISO Behaviour Based Safety Using technology to improve certi昀椀cation) Observation health and safety Our Zero Harm commitment requires Promoting safe behaviour in the Technology can help organisations everyone, regardless of seniority or job workplace is a key element in safety reduce the risk of workplace accidents responsibilities, to go beyond compliance, management which also helps build and and improve workplace safety. Safety proactively eliminate potential hazards, maintain a positive safety culture within monitoring, reporting, and training are and create a safe workplace. Health and the organisation. Behaviour Based Safety some of the ways technology can help in safety reviews are conducted at our (BBS) is a scienti昀椀c approach aimed this respect. operating companies and results reported at positively reinforcing a safe work Swire Properties has launched a to the Audit Committee. Division heads environment through the identi昀椀cation of mobile phone application for near- have pay-linked safety performance at-risk behaviours. HAECO implemented miss and hazard reporting in order objectives. a Behaviour Based Safety Observation to facilitate and encourage proactive Swire Properties, Swire Coca-Cola, (BBSO) project to focus on how employees hazard identi昀椀cation by all employees. HAECO, Swire Waste Management, and work. An analysis was then conducted on In the Chinese Mainland, an AI smart site Taikoo Sugar have safety management why certain methods were adopted and safety monitoring system was set up at a intervention strategies were developed to systems that are certi昀椀ed to the stringent eliminate any unsafe behaviours. construction site at Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li ISO 45001:2018 standard. Chengdu to monitor the workers’ safety- related behaviour – speci昀椀cally smoking and the wearing of safety helmets. The system is equipped with a local speaker which broadcasts warnings to workers and alerts are automatically sent to the management team. Swire Properties has enhanced relevant training programmes with Virtual Reality (VR), giving employees the chance to enter virtual work environments to simulate how to handle the equipment properly, and ultimately work safely. VR allows employees to simulate handling equipment properly, and ultimately work safely. Case study Swire Properties – Safety training using VR technology In 2022, Swire Properties introduced Swire Properties aim to use this new safety training programmes using VR technology to enhance the employee technology to deliver safety awareness H&S learning experience and raise to frontline sta昀昀. This included a range their safety awareness. of simulation scenarios including working at height, manual handing and the safe use of suspended work platforms. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 52