MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS REVIEW OF OPERATIONS PACIFIC PLACE HONG KONG At 31st December 2023, the top ten office tenants (based At Six Pacific Place, tenants have committed (including on attributable gross rental income in the twelve months by way of letters of intent) to take approximately 40% ended 31st December 2023) together occupied of the space at 31st December 2023. Occupation permit approximately 21% of the Group’s total attributable office has been obtained in February 2024. Sotheby’s, area in Hong Kong. Pinebridge, British-American Tobacco and Maison Pacific Place Kayser agreed to lease spaces. The performance of the offices at One, Two, and Three Taikoo Place Pacific Place was resilient in 2023. These offices were 98% The performance of One Taikoo Place and One Island let at 31st December 2023. Standard Chartered Bank, ABN East (excluding the nine floors disposed of) at Taikoo Amro, Hong Kong Investment Corporation, FWD Life Place was resilient. These two offices towers were 98% Insurance, TF International Securities, Edrington, Asia and 89% let respectively at 31st December 2023. In Energy Logistics Group, Global Energy Corporation and Stat One Island East, CITIC Securities, Freshfields, SK hynix, Lab became tenants. CITIC Securities and NH Investment Tiffany & Co., Viatris and Zurich renewed their leases. Securities leased more spaces. Sino-Ocean, Guosen Meanwhile in One Taikoo Place, Spitalfields and Securities, Jason Pow Chambers, Poly Auction, Weihong Stephenson Harwood became tenants, and RPC Investment, Industrial Bank of Korea, Parkside Chambers, relocated within the same building. CTI Capital, Volant Trading and CDB Aviation renewed their leases. SAIF and Fidelity confirmed their relocation within the same portfolio upon the lease expiry. 38

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